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The Candidate Advocate Resume Writing Services

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thanks for stopping by!

I help job seekers realize and articulate their achievements and professional skills through their resumes, empowering them to navigate the job market with confidence.


Meet Ashlie Journet

The Candidate Advocate

I'm a seasoned Talent Acquisition and Human Resources Professional, and I am passionate about helping others succeed. Throughout my career as a Recruiter, I've passionately advocated for job candidates, ensuring an exceptional experience at every step of the recruiting process. I proudly embrace the title of The Candidate Advocate! I take pride in genuinely caring about and supporting my clients. I want to see them win!

My journey into writing and assisting others began over a decade ago, crafting resumes for friends, family, and colleagues. Through word-of-mouth, my services gained recognition, and the rest is HERstory! I enjoy empowering clients to articulate their professional skills and achievements and helping them realize the value of their God-given gifts.

Beyond being a SheEO, I'm a devoted wife, a proud mama bear to twin boys, and a woman anchored in faith. My relationship with God is the cornerstone of my life, providing strength and purpose in everything I do!

Let's collaborate to bring your professional story to life!


Ways to Work with Me

Your Journey, Our Collaboration

Match Your Goals with Our Services: Choose the ideal service for your unique professional needs.

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Resume Audit

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Resume Renovation


Resume Renovation & Linkedin Optimization 

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Resume Renovation Premier Package

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Navigate this Job Market with Confidence 

Remember this...What God has for you is for you! Your unique skills and God-given talents set you apart and there is no one that can do what you do the way that you do it!



Human Resources Professional

Utilizing Ashlie's services was the best investment I could have ever made to invest in myself and my career. From the beginning of the process to the end, Ashlie demonstrated professionalism, understanding, time management, intelligence, creativity, confidence, friendliness, and compassion. Ashlie responded in a timely manner, which made the process very smooth, and she was available to answer any questions that I had. Ashlie truly helped me recognize that there was more to define underneath the surface of my resume. Ashlie gave me the confidence to open my eyes more and allow myself to step outside the box and think more in-depth about my resume and career goals as an HR Professional. 

“Fall in love with the process, and the results will come.”
— Eric Thomas.



What’s your refund policy?

Please note that all payments made for our services are non-refundable due to the considerable amount of time and resources invested in delivering high-quality work. At The Candidate Advocate Resume Writing Services, LLC, our unwavering commitment is to prioritize and ensure client satisfaction.

Do your services guarantee that I will receive a job offer?

While it is true that many of our clients achieve job offers and make significant strides in their careers, we do not provide a guarantee of specific job placement or promotion. The job market is unpredictable, and outcomes are subject to various external factors.

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